Monday, September 17, 2007

Owl Tree

I saw the most beautiful white owl fly out of this tree the other night. No, I didn't have my camera. It looked just like Hedwig.

There's a nest but it's buried deep in the foliage. Here are a few feathers. I hope it's getting the rats and mice that are invading the base.

This is a sample of Darla's fluff. There's plenty where that came from. It is quite spinnable but I think it is safe to say that chiengora (smelly dog hair) is not my thing.

I completed one of the Monkey socks.

I am trying to finish up quickly because....... I really should be knitting for the Red Scarf Project! I wasn't paying attention to the website and noticed the other day that the deadline was moved up to October this year. Whoa, I had better get my ass in gear and crank out a couple of scarves. Shame on me!

1 comment :

Lisa said...

Lucky you! It seems you have a barn owl! I've never seen one in the wild.