Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Stitches West, Here I Come!!!!

I am packing and preparing for SW and here's what I've got going, so far:

The trusty Blythe journal

My shopping list

The suitcase of goodies

I have left my own super soft neck cradling pillows in several hotels over the years. My latest strategy is to decorate the pillowcase with a sharpie so that it doesn't blend in with the hotel linens. The maids always smile and look at me funny, but that's okay.

I still haven't dealt with my homework assignment of preparing three types of sock cuffs. I'll do that during American Idol.
I was really good at not adding to the stash for the last few months. Let's see what happens when I am let loose in a shopping arena. Off to the fair!!!

P.S. to Cassa : If it looks good on a stripey towel, I think it'll be not too noticeable to the naked eye (I hope).

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see that suitcase on the return trip!

I hope you are having a blast!!