Monday, February 01, 2010

Hotel Camping and Girl Scout Camping

Saturday, we got up super early at the crazy hour of 4:30 am to head down South to Girl Scout Camp Bayview. We had to be there by 8:30 for the camp activities. I had Katherine, Stephanie, and the leader's daughter in the car with me. It was really cool, the bright full 'wolf moon' was on the right side of us until the sun rose. We got there a little late (no surprise) but all in one piece. I managed to snap a couple of photos before the archery lady yelled at me and shooed Steph and I away.

So here's the first photo of some antiques. I love these old kitchen appliances with their sexy legs.

Now check out this detail of the dial on the oven. It has specific food settings for those cooks that are unsure of temperature.

The only creepy thing about this camp is the alligator issue. Who picks an area to build a camp near alligators? That's a total WTF.

Steph and I stayed overnight in Brownsville right on the border. Jerry found us a nice place for some hotel camping. I brought a sock project, trashy tabloids and snacks. Stephanie brought her i-pod and some books. We were total slugs.... and it was good!

We picked up the campers on Sunday morning and had an uneventful ride home. The only thing that made me a little nervous was driving through this border checkpoint.

They look in the car and ask questions. I always have this fear of saying something wrong and getting hauled away.

Here is the sock I worked on. I finished it Sunday when we got home. It had a huge stretch of orange that was just out of control. I couldn't let it happen, so I ripped a bunch out to make a more manageable stripe.

Here's another finished project that came out pretty good. It's a grey Meret (mystery beret) by Woolly Wormhead. It's got a Patty Hearst vibe. Loved those Patty Hearst beret photos back in the day.

Oops, I forgot to show this. I got back the fleece I bought at Kid and Ewe in November. It is now four big bags of roving.

Here it is all ropey in roving form. Not much veggie matter considering it was full of grass when I found it. I tried spinning it my normal way on the smallest whorl, but a few fuzzy neps got through. I found I need to spin it on a larger whorl and slow things down a bit. Time to get spinning.


  1. Happy spinning - looks like it can keep you going for a while:)

  2. was the camp in mexico? love the old stove!!!!makes me want to put on an apron. are you spinning yet? what are you going to make?
