Friday, January 01, 2010

Deeee Lightful!

Last weekI received a package in the mail from Wooly Daisy and Rhodi and it was absolutely delightful! (Remember that crazy techno pop group Deee-lite?).

Anyheck, here is what came:
-a gorgeous Polish stoneware coffee mug
-some crazy gnome knee high socks
-a gnome car freshener that smells like vanilla cake mix
-a couple of retro coasters

How cool is that?!?!? I love those foothill gurls, they are the best! I can't wait to see them when I head to Stitches West in February. I always have a great time with them.

This is where the blog gets a bit foodie. Last Saturday my neighbors across the street had a sort of cooking competition between two pilots. These guys love to share their skills and throw parties. So the captain decides that he is going to make a dish called Timballo di Maccharoni or Timpano. It was the featured dish in the movie Big Night, which is all about the survival of an Italian restaurant. Rent it, just to stare at the meals.
I didn't want to go to this soiree empty handed, so I decided to make Scotch eggs, Jerry's favorite pub snack as appetizers. I made some gluten free ones using Mexican tortilla crumbs and they came out pretty tasty. I then made the rest of the batch 'normal' (for the rest of the free world). I was feeling so cool and foodie and full of myself with my chicken apron on.

When we get to the party, I quickly realized I was so out of my league. I mean I am a pretty good cook. But these guys were serious. Check out this timballo dish:

It was filled with ravioli and sausages and sauces all made from scratch encased in some sort of pasta cocoon. I googled the recipe and it is about four pages long, that's just crazy!

Not to be outdone, neighbor Mark made eggplant parmesan, rigatoni casserole, homemade cannoli, biscotti and on and on and on. [My lowly Scotch eggs are hiding down at the end!]. I must confess I did some gluten cheating that night. I could not help myself. It was amazing.

Now for some knitting content. I have been plugging away on my modified Sage Remedy top. There have been a bunch of modifications and gauge issues that it has earned the nickname Sage Wrestling top. I got all the pieces done and noticed a bit of torquing (spiraling twist) of the pieces. I am hoping the blocking and edging help with those problems. Nothing like a knitting challenge to get me all worked up!

Hopefully it will all work out. I need this top because it will hide all the inches I gained this past month from holiday eating. Sigh. But still dee-liteful!

1 comment:

  1. we had so much fun getting that stuff for you-most of we got on our trip to the coast. fort bragg has an awesome silly store!!!!

    we look so forward to seeing you as well!!!! "alms for the fiber obsessed!"

    your wrestling top looks great-but i can imagine the frustration!!!! you are very persistent
    -i would have given up!

    the feast looks amazing! i would have eaten your scotch eggs-they look great.

    love dee-lite. brings back so many fun memories of wild dancing in the gay bars!
