Sunday, August 17, 2014

Finally Some Produce

Gardening started late and I was doubtful whether I was going to get anything worth my efforts this year.  This week I got some payback, not much, but enough to keep me going.  I was thrilled to pick a few vegetables.  Four little eggplants.  That's kind of lame.

Two mutant bell peppers, one mini zucchini and some basil.

Not to be discouraged,  I attempted a ratatouille.  I had to supplement it with some store bought squash.  It was so much better than last year's attempt (I let the eggplants grow too big and they tasted like wood).  I also topped it with a load of shredded mozzarella- delish.

I also picked my first tomato, a Cherokee purple, I believe.  Not very purple, not very attractive as far as looks go.  

But it was bigger on the inside, and huge on flavor.  Don't ever judge a tomato on looks.  This was insanely good.  Must grow more heirlooms.

I also saved some lavender for sachets or something scenty.

It photographs well.