On Saturday, I packed up some knitting, grabbed a daughter and some folding chairs, and headed downtown to World Wide Knit (and Crochet) in Public Day. Steph and I parked ourselves and worked on some yarn bombs.
This is my big 'Kraken' yarn bomb. My friend Lyn helped me install him in front of the bar where we knit on Friday nights. He can be our batlight.
The heart bombs got divided between two locations. Here's a tree with some of them.
We all agreed to knit letters to form an acronym banner. That 'K' was a beast.
I cranked out i-cord for vines. It ended up embellishing the above acronym banner.
Jane did some fabulous Alice in Wonderland themed yarn bombs. I love the bunny.
Lyn made a supersized teacup.
On Sunday, Jerry bought me a Red Wing hockey gnome. I am now a Red Wing fan.
I am so glad I participated. That whole week was a freaking blur. I am also glad that it is over for a while.
okay- you guys rocked the WWKIP week to the max! love the gnome my sis in law is gonna be so jel! my bro and his wife are red wings fans- in fact that how they met-long story for another time. will the 'kraken" yarn dude stay there in the tree or are you gonna take him home? guess the yarn bombings in nevada city were immediately taken down by the next day- i guess the city was not impressed! don't tell me you hand knit the I-cord!!!