Monday, September 05, 2011


I keep getting caught up into these black holes of time suckage. They aren't necessarily bad things, but once I fall into them, I have the hardest time climbing out.

Here are are a sampling of them:

Pinterest. It looks dumb at first glance. But after I spent some time surfing around on other peoples' virtual bulletin boards, I have found some really cool DIY projects, recipes and other inspirations. Don't knock it.

Words With Friends. It is Scrabble without all of those pesky little tiles. I have about ten games going at once. The fun part is hooking up games with people from all over. The ipad version doesn't have the little irritating advertisements in it. Here's my bragging moment: I made a word last week with 102 points! I still lost the game because I am careless and goofy, but it was an epic moment.

Facebook. I pretty much gave up on Twitter. Facebook is where it's at.

Tomatoes. They just keep coming and coming. I have been removing the skin and seeds and packing them into gallon ziplocks and freezing them. The Roma tomatoes are great for sauce, but they are kind of small and a pain in the ass to deal with. So far there are at least five gallons in the freezer. I expect to get a couple more before the plants die down.

My Rug Project. I started this thing about at least a year ago. I thought it would go fast, but it didn't. I would burn out from boredom and throw it into timeout. This week I decided to go big and plow through the monster brown sections and finish it off. I am glad it is finally done. I like how I got it to match the walls, cabinets, and counters (duh- that was point of making it myself).

It is super thick and cushy under foot. And... it used up a lot of that ramboulliet cross roving that was poorly processed and a little too neppy for use in spinning. I don't mind if it gets somewhat felted, it is a rug after all.

There is already dog hair blending into it from Darla's contribution. At least she blends in with the color scheme.
I am so burnt out on this rug that I don't want to look at a hook for a long time. But I bet I'll do one again sometime in the future. I still have a bunch of that brown to use up.

Ravelry. Just surf around on this site. I practically live here.

Knitting. I don't even have to explain this, do I?

There, I am done with my confessions. There isn't enough time in the day. I love my time suckers!!!

1 comment:

  1. i know all about time suckage black holes!!!!

    was afraid to sign up for pinterest- one more thing to distract me!!! enough enough already!!!!

    so love the rug- it inspires me to get working on a big one. how do you think they will fair in a bathroom?
