Monday, October 18, 2010


We are unpacking all of the boxes and cartons. It was pretty scary for a while. I wasn't sure if we could fit it all in. Here are some photos in no particular order:

The weather turned cold a couple of weeks ago and instead of knitting socks for Socktoberfest, I opted to crank out a long drapey scarf out of some Mini Mochi fingering weight. It is smooshy soft. While everyone was out of the house today, I blocked the living crap out of it. Now it's even drapier. Remember Mini Mochi is not just for socks.

Here are some Potoskey stones that the former house owners must have collected. They were in small pile outside by the front door. Maybe we'll find some while beach combing next summer.

Here's a back view of the house. One of my first jobs is to scrape off the flaking stain on the deck and give it a new coat. That sounds like Thomas the Tank engine! I think we will have to go sledding down that back hill, or at least try.

This is the garden out by the front. I need to do some research and figure out what to do before it freezes. It's a nice size, but I may get ambitious and make it a little wider in the spring.

Trick or Treat!

This is my favorite thing about the house, the orange kitchen. It's very Halloween-ish. I like the warm color. Now I have to dig out the aprons and get to work (after I cast on some Socktober socks- Feeling lame about blowing off most of Socktoberfest). See ya!!!


  1. Wow, your house is so nice (even though it's not in Oklahoma :: pout:: )! Those rocks are so cool!

  2. i love love your kitchen!!!!! how nice it must be to have a place to called home. garden, sledding run-what more can you ask for? maybe that back lot for small spinning flock!

    the rocks are ultra cool!!!!

  3. Love your kitchen and you yard. Enjoy your new home!
