Sunday, May 02, 2010

Tomato Monster

Behold, my beloved tomato monster of 2010. Last year, I failed miserably at growing tomatoes. I think I got four tomatoes in total. Then the weather got too hot, too fast and everything died. This year I tried some new things. I started earlier (first week in March) and bought some magical red tarp cover for the base that is supposed to increase tomato growth and production.

So far things are going great. The monster consists of four plants of different breeds in living in two Earth Boxes. There are bunches of little fruits all over this thing. It is situated in the front of the house because the backyard is too windy. The only problem with being in the front is that I have to guard it from the little (often naked) kids that live across the street. I busted them the other day for pulling green golf ball sized tomatoes off the vines. Pissed me off big time and I had to remind the mom to keep an eye on her guys. I am looking forward to homemade salsa, caprese salad, and guacamole. Keep growing fellas, I've got big plans for you!!!

On the knitting front, I finished my scrollergurl scarf. I love how the yarn spun and knit up, though I wish it was a tad softer. Maybe with wear, it'll get smooshier (wishful thinking). Here is how it looks in the daylight:

And here is how it looks on the bod. I love the curly wooden shawl stick thing that Woolydaisy and I bought at Stitches West. Slightly elvish!

There are also some socks on the needles. It is the retro rib pattern from Evelyn C. Clark.... yet again. The yarn is from Miss Babs in a colorway called chocolate kisses. Who could resist a name like that?!? I usually work on socks while waiting for the kids to finish school, very portable.

I also made (a little) progress on my apron project. I made a ton of bias binding that will coordinate with the botanical fabric. The bias gizmo really works, I did have my doubts when starting. The next quilt will get the homemade bias treatment!

That's all for now, I must go guard the crops!


  1. remember that movies- attack of the killer tomatoes-watch out!!!!

    that scarf rocks- i love my shawl pin too-it's the perfect size. i use it in my hair too!

    your the apron goddess now!!! sew on sistah!

  2. My tomato plants are teeny tiny - but it is a LOT cooler over here!

    I love the bias binding maker too.
