I hope everyone had a Happy Mother's Day. Mine was very mellow and relaxing. The kids let me sleep in, which is a delight. They made me cookies, handmade cards, chore coupons and a friendship bracelet. The piece de resistance was this action figure. We were watching this strange gang movie a couple of weeks ago called The Warriors. Sneaky Jerry searched around on eBay and found me this action figure, 'Swan'. He comes with interchangeable hands, a knife and molotov cocktail accessories. I suppose he can hang out and guard the Barbies.

Jerry took Will and Katherine to see the new Wolverine movie. I was a little jealous, but then I embraced my free time and hung out with Stephanie and knitted..... a lot. I was freaking out about whether there was enough yarn spun up to finish these socks. So I just went on a marathon and finished the pair with only 16 inches to spare. Very close call. They almost became toeless pedicure socks by default. All in all a great day.

Yesterday I had the urge to dye. And grabbed a bag of ramboulliet (sp) from Stitches. I wanted to do something firey hot so here's a peek at it wrapped and ready to steam.

Here are my pink tinted fingers. They are still a little pink today.

And here is my pile of dyed roving. Es muy caliente!

Lastly, here is a video of my cousin John's band Flying Machines. He's the Vietnamese guy on guitar. They won some contest with Fender guitars. Nice work John.
awesome swan doll dude!!!
love the roving-what are ya gonna do with it?
p.s. the moltav cocktail rocks! hubby just might have made amends with your imaginary friend-after that horrid comment about your feb. lady's sweater!!!
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