Monday, August 13, 2007

While in Lockdown

While I was hiding out from the girlie girl hijinks, I plowed through a sock. Chubby yarn knits fast!

I also have been working on some summer reading. I read this classic. Jerry and I got into mock beatnik talk while reading this. We really are so gone!

Then I starting reading this for contrast. The author is one of the chicks that Jack Kerouac totally embraced and loved (for a while at least). I have a vibe that he loved her and left her and this book is just a bunch of angry drama. It's entertaining anyway.

Last but not least. The peppers are ripening by leaps and bounds. I now have a couple of gallons chopped/diced and frozen. There's plenty for hash browns stir fries and sauces. I love the colors. When I get the bulk of my Christmas socks out of the way I think I want to try a merging dye job that goes from red to green, bell pepper style. Muy caliente, eh?!

1 comment :

woolydaisy said...

hiya soxy, once again awesome socks!!!i notice you use the 2 needle method-is it really faster? i admire your ability to have started on your xmas gifts. i always say i'm gonna start in spring and november hits and i'm a stress ball cause i have nada! i better get crackin! nice peppers-do you blanch them before freezing? glad to see you are up and running!